+1 for vocabulary
On Tue, 12 Feb 2019, 06:38 Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park)
<Nicholas.Car@csiro.au wrote:
> Could DXWG members please express an opinion here at to whether “Profiles
> Ontology” or “Profiles Vocabulary” or something else is more appropriate
> for PROF?
> After some discussion before FPWD we agree on the former but some comments
> about PROF’s use of terms from other namespaces, e.g. dct:conformsTo, to
> say nothing of owl:Class, indicate that others would prefer either the
> latter or something else entirely as they understand an Ontology to
> typically use only 1 namespace.
> If DCAT was being made from scratch now with approximately the same
> output, what would it be called, “Dataset Vocabulary” or something else?
> Short initial responses please so we can assess whether it’s important to
> look into this further or not.
> Thanks,
> Nick
> Nicholas Car
> Senior Experimental Scientist
> nicholas.car@csiro.au | 0477 560 177