Re: [dxwg] prof:isTransitiveProfileOf needs more convincing case and/or example (#643)


EXAMPLE X: prof:isTransitiveProfileOf in use

# A profile that is within a hierarchy of profiles may wish to indicate it profiles things 
# "further up the chain". To do this, prof:isTransitiveProfileOf can be used to indicate 
# anything the profile is related to by a series of one or more prof:isProfileOf properties.

# Here the New Zealand profile of the ISO addressing standard is presented in a chain 
# of profiles:

@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix prof: <> .
@prefix role: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

  a prof:Profile ;
  rdfs:label "New Zealand Profile of ISO19160-1" ;
  rdfs:comment """This is a country-specific profile of the international 
                  addressing standard, ISO19160-1:2015 (Address)""" ;
  prof:isProfileOf <> .

# The ISO thing that the NZ Profile profiles is actually a Web Ontology Language
# (OWL) version of the original ISO addressing standard
  a prof:Profile ;
  rdfs:label "OWL Profile of ISO19160-1" ;
  rdfs:comment """This profile profiles both ISO19160-1 (Addressing) and also 
                  the Web Ontology Language (OWL)""" ;
  prof:isProfileOf <> , 
                   <> .

  a dct:Standard ;
  rdfs:label "ISO 19160-1:2015 Addressing -- Part 1: Conceptual model" .

# Now, according to the semantics of prof:isTransitiveProfileOf, using the 
# prof:isProfileOf statements above, one can infer the following additional
# statements:

  prof:isTransitiveProfileOf <> ,
                             <> , 
                             <> .

# These statements may help consumers understand which broad, well-known
# profiles data they have conforms to when they are presented only with its 
# conformance to most specialised (lowest) profile in a hierarchy which they
# may not understand.

# In this example too, a user of the profile 
# <> will also 
# understand that data conforming to it is also conformant with OWL which is not 
# in the direct hierarchy of addressing standards (iso19160-1-address-nz-profile > 
# iso19160-1-address > ISO 19160-1:2015) but is critical to know about when using
# the specialised standard as it can indicate reasoning possibilities.


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Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2019 12:18:19 UTC