- From: <Simon.Cox@csiro.au>
- Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2018 02:48:22 +0000
- To: <public-dxwg-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <35f437e303fc4c188856febfd6d12d01@exch1-mel.nexus.csiro.au>
Following yesterday's DXWG meeting it appears that some clarification of responsibilities and the process for getting material into the DCAT draft is required. The Editors are the custodians of the draft, but are not responsible for generating the content - only for checking that content reflects the consensus of the working group, and that it is properly integrated within the documents. A variety of tools are available to refine the expression of the consensus (Wiki, mailing list, GitHub issues), but when consensus is reached, it must be reflected in the document and the RDF. The target artefact for DCAT is the HTML representation of the draft recommendation, and the RDF files that express the DCAT vocabulary, alignments and profiles. Content is introduced into the document and RDF using GitHub as follows: 1. Raise topic as GitHub issue(s) (which also trigger mails to the list) 2. Discuss topic and reach consensus, within a subgroup if appropriate, else in the broader group where there is no team. The fact of consensus should be recorded and publicly visible through a meeting resolution, an email-thread, or a clear consensus in the comment thread in GitHub issue(s). 3. When consensus is reached on a topic, * create a GitHub branch with a name like dcat-{topic}-{yourname} * make changes to the HTML document at /dcat/index.html and to any RDF files affected * push the branch to the repository * issue a Pull-Request - mention the evidence of consensus in the comment (i.e. resolution recorded in some meeting minutes, or GitHub issue, or email thread where it is clear that consensus has been reached) - assign the PR to the DCAT editors (referred to as DXWG-Editors in Github) 4. alert the mailing list so the proposed change can be inspected N.B. a formatted view of the DCAT draft on a branch is visible at https://rawgit.com/w3c/dxwg/{branch}/dcat/index.html<https://rawgit.com/w3c/dxwg/%7bbranch%7d/dcat/index.html> I've also updated the GitHub etiquette page https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/GitHub_etiquette to match some of this. Simon, on behalf of the DCAT editors.
Received on Thursday, 5 April 2018 02:49:22 UTC