Re: Conneg definition was: Re: Start of profiles analysis page - 2nd reply

On a separate note, I really want to discourage use of Word or PDF 
files. One needn't be a coder to avail oneself of a simple text editor. 
Machine readability deserves at least some consideration, and by machine 
readability I don't mean just being viewable with a computer, I mean 
being readily parseable.

On 12/12/17 2:02 PM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
> This may sound like a burden, but its quite a trivial burden on 
> infrastructure compared to the burden on end users trying to work out 
> what is the same and different in a forest of PDF documents of 
> overlapping profiles descriptions. (whilst we want to make publication 
> easy, make end use impossible is a poor compromise)

Annette Greiner
NERSC Data and Analytics Services
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2017 01:24:33 UTC