Re: Start of profiles analysis page

Hi Karen, all,

We had a page where Andrea and I had been compiling information about 
the profiles here:

We should probably combine the information in the page you created.



On 04/12/2017 15:42, Karen Coyle wrote:
> I created a page for "Profiles context" [1] similar to the one that was
> created for DCAT.[2] It has some definitions of "profile", "application
> profile" and "metadata application profile" that I found online, and has
> the start of a list of profiles from a variety of sources.
> If any of you can add to those sections that would be great, and
> particularly from business or science sources. The sources I found were
> mostly in the cultural heritage arena, and that's probably because
> that's the area that I know.
> I do think that agreeing on a definition is going to be one of our first
> steps, and it may take quite a bit of discussion. Perhaps in the next
> few days we can begin to create some proposed definitions, just to see
> where those take us.
> kc
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Monday, 4 December 2017 16:38:21 UTC