Re: Experiences with the form

Hi Phil,

Thanks for your message and suggestions! My comments are inline.

> 1. It takes a *long* time to fill in. Also it asks for a URL for every BP
> when I'm trying to assess a specific dataset, so I keep on pasting the same
> URL in each time.

It's true! I'm gonna check with Newton if possible to inform the URL at the
beginning and then choose the BP to be evaluated for that specific URL.

> 2. All I've done so far is to find an example dataset (by looking at
> and choosing the first one listed today) and worked with that.
> I haven't been able to finish filling in the form yet but there are several
> where my ideal answer would be 'partially passed' rather than a straight
> pass/fail.

In this case, we need to update the form because we don't have this option
(partially failed).

> I'm looking at The descriptive metadata
> is very poor, most of what is there is auto-generated by CKAN anyway. There
> certainly isn't the rich metadata we'd like to see.
> I'll try and get to the end but it will take a while.

Maybe, we can offer another option for filling the evidence form like the
one you proposed in [1]. If you prefer to use that we can merge the
collected evidences for the final report. What do you think?

> 3. But! What I did notice was that the metadata includes the name of the
> individual responsible. So I thought I'd look him up and ask *him* to fill
> in the form (Twitter is *so* useful). See
> 1/status/786560420341436417
> Targeting individuals like this might be an efficient way of encouraging
> them to fill in the form?

Yes! I think this can be a really good idea.

I'm sorry for being so absent, but I was traveling and I couldn't focus on
the DWBP activities. I'm gonna work on my actions and also on gathering
more evidences.


> And, @newton, sorry, but the form is out of date since it has the original
> locale BP still at no. 4. That really needs to be updated to match the doc
> for which we're gathering evidence of implementation.
> I don't think there'll be a call tomorrow but I can't join one of there is.
> Cheers
> Phil.
> --
> Phil Archer
> W3C Data Activity Lead
> +44 (0)7887 767755
> @philarcher1

Bernadette Farias Lóscio
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil

Received on Monday, 17 October 2016 13:25:14 UTC