New BP (?) - Using standards for distributing datasets for specific domains or applications


Hi All, 

I do not know if this should be a new BP, if it could be incorporated to
the BP about standardized terms, or should be thought as an extension
included in a BP document of another group. Or none of them. 

The inspiration came from GTFS
( [1]), a standard way of
defining timetables. 

Here are some extractions from the GTFS site: 

"The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) defines a common format
for public transportation schedules and associated geographic
information. GTFS "feeds" allow public transit agencies to publish their
transit data and developers to write applications that consume that data
in an interoperable way." 

"A GTFS feed is composed of a series of text (csv) files collected in a
ZIP file. Each file models a particular aspect of transit information:
stops, routes, trips, and other schedule data. A transit agency can
produce a GTFS feed to share their public transit information with
developers, who write tools that consume GTFS feeds to incorporate
public transit information into their applications. GTFS can be used to
power trip planners, time table publishers, and a variety of
applications, too diverse to list here, that use public transit
information in some way." 

It is more than the vocabulary used. It is also a specific way of
distributing the dataset. Could we call this a kind of standard dataset

Does it makes sense? 

Cheers, Laufer 
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Received on Friday, 4 March 2016 15:45:16 UTC