Re: [dwbp] BP - URI structure is not relevant for REST

Unfortunately neither my mail from 2015-02-01 nor the brief discussion
about it in February 2015 seems to have had an effect on the BP document.

As stated then I strongly disagree with the content of "Best Practice
24: Follow REST principles when designing APIs".

I can offer to provide a more concrete proposal for the content and to
contact Roy T. Fielding to ask him for feedback. But I need some kind of
guarantee that the result then finally will be considered by the WG.


Andreas Kuckartz wrote on 2015-02-01:
> Unfortunately the issue and the comments were deleted together with the
> Github issue tracker.
> Therefore let me repeat and extend my issue(s) here.
> Best Practice 23 has the title "Follow REST principles when designing
> APIs". One therefore expects that the following "principles" are REST
> principles and not other suggestions for APIs.
> I would suggest that JSON-LD is mentioned as a major hypermedia format.
> JSON-LD has already become far more important than XML for the Web.
> I would not mention UDDI. It which does not belong to REST and has
> become almost irrelevant years ago anyway.
> Why not refer to a relevant publicly available text written by Roy T.
> Fielding instead of the book by Richardson and Ruby which is not ?
> "Design always RESTful APIs using HTTP and good pragmatic REST
> principles.": What are "good pragmatic" REST principles?! I suggest to
> remove both "good" and "pragmatic".
> "There is no unique agreed set of principles for REST APIs, ..."
> "... others ... even are still under discussion."
> I disagree. There exist companies and people who either did not and do
> not bother to understand REST or who who just try to use the good name
> of REST to market non-RESTful APIs (often both at the same time). See:
> "The following are a set of rules widely adopted so far: ..."
> A normal reader will then expect the rules or principles for RESTful
> APIs and not general suggestions for APIs. But the following "rules"
> have nothing at all to do with REST (which does *not* bother how URIs
> look like), they are orthogonal to REST:
> "Use hierarchical, readable and technology agnostic Uniform Resource
> Identifiers (URIs) to address resources in a consisten way."
> "Use the URI path to convey your Resources and Collections model."
> "Use nouns but no verbs (except for Controllers that does not involve
> resources)." (?What does that mean?)
> "Simplify associations. Use query parameters to hide complexity and
> provide filtering, sorting, field selection and paging for collections."
> And then finally there is this rule:
> "Version your API. Never release an API without a version and make the
> version mandatory."
> The last one is essentially in contradiction to REST. A good(!) RESTful
> API does require versioning.
> Cheers,
> Andreas
> Carlos Iglesias wrote:
>> Thanks Newton, I have followed the thread on github with my view on this.
>> Please Yaso feel free also to add any comments.
>> On 21 January 2015 at 14:46, Newton Calegari <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     There is an open issue [1] on Github related to a BP about REST.
>>     Andreas Kuckartz, a github user, has commented on Carlos Iglesias’
>>     commit [2].
>>     And he also created the Issue #80 [1] suggesting to review the BP
>>     "Follow REST principles when designing APIs" [3].
>>     @Carlos Iglesias, @Yaso, I kindly as you to take a look on this
>>     issue and check if you agree or not with it.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Newton
>>     [1]
>>     [2]
>>     [3]
>> -- 
>> ---
>> Carlos Iglesias. 
>> Internet & Web Consultant.
>> +34 687 917 759 
>> <> 
>> @carlosiglesias 

Received on Friday, 24 July 2015 13:59:10 UTC