Re: Deferred to Linked Data Best Practices for vocab re-use

Hi Phil,

I think that we should have a more explicit re-use-it or leave-it approach to the LDBP, but I also agree with the points Joao Paolo made on the relation between our BPs and the LD BPs. Considering these points, I felt that any difference between our doc and the LD one could be interesting to keep explicit now, for future discussion/alignment. Is it alright then to not show what we have identified to be the most relevant items in the re-use BP?
Note that I don't have a strong opinion on these items now. In fact I haven't contributed a lot of the original content for this BP: I've just added or removed a couple of small points, and shifted sentences around. And that's maybe why I'm a bit reluctant to touch the content itself too much!



On 1/26/15 11:45 PM, Phil Archer wrote:
> I'm preparing the BP doc for FPWD and, in doing so, had removed a chunk of text for BP re-use vocabularies by pointing to the Linked Data Best practices doc. Later I saw this issue that Antoine had raised... so I have closed it.
> I just commented the text out rather than deleting it so if the WG wants to put it back in the next iteration, it can.
> Phil.
> Tracker: This is Issue-124

Received on Monday, 26 January 2015 23:33:27 UTC