Re: [Minutes] 2014 09 04 Vocabularies call

Dear all,
 I have only recently joined to the DWBP, and unfortunately I did't make
for  the last vocabularies call.  However, after reading the minutes from
that call, I realised that  probably  there is  some room for contributing
with novel use cases. Have I got it wrong?

You can find my use cases proposal below, I  hope it is of some interest
for the working group.
Of course I am open to revise the attached use case  accordingly  to any
template or  comments you might have.



*LuSTRE: **Linked Thesaurus fRamework for Environment*

*Contributor: Riccardo Albertoni (CNR-IMATI)*

*City, country: Genoa, Italy*


LusTRE is a framework that aims at combining existing environmental
thesauri to support in the management of environmental resources. It
considers the heterogeneity in scopes and levels of abstraction of existing
environmental thesauri as an asset when managing environmental data, thus
it aims at exploiting linked data best practice SKOS  (Simple
Knowledge Organisation System) and RDF  (Resource Description Framework) in
order to provide a multi-thesauri solution for INSPIRE data themes related
to nature conservation.

LusTRE is intended to support in metadata compilation and data/service
discovery according to the ISO 19115/19119. The development of LusTRE
includes (i) a review of existing environmental thesauri and their
characteristics in term of multilingualism, openness and quality; (ii) the
publication of environmental thesauri as linked data; (iii) the creation of
linksets among published thesauri as well as well-known thesauri exposed as
linked data by third-parties, (iv) the exploitation of aforementioned
linksets to take advantage of thesaurus complementarities in terms of
domain specificity and multilingualism.

Quality of thesauri and linksets is an issue that is not necessary limited
to the initial review of thesauri, it should be monitored and promptly

In this respect, a standardised vocabulary for expressing dataset and
linkset quality would be recommendable to make accessible the quality
assessment of thesauri included in LusTRE. Considered the importance of
linkset quality in the achievement of an effective cross-walking among
thesauri, further services for assessing the quality of linksets are going
to be investigated. Such services might be developed extending the measure
proposed in [Albertoni et al, 2013],
that, linksets among thesauri can be assessed considering their potential
when exploiting interlinks for thesaurus complementarities.

LusTRE’s is currently under development within the EU project eENVplus
grant No. 325232), it extends the common thesaurus framework [De Martino et
al. 2011] <> previously resulting from the EU
project NatureSDIplus  (ECP-2007-GEO-317007).


·       *Domains*:  Management of Environmental Metadata

·       *Obligation/motivation*: Activity foreseen in EU project which
encourages the adoption of INSPIRE metadata implementation rules.

·       *Usage*:

·       *Quality*:  largely variable

·       *Size*: small most of the thesauri size is less than 100MB

·       *Type/format*: LusTRE publishes SKOS/RDF, but the thesauri
considered for inclusion in LusTRE are not necessarily in that format

·       *Rate of change*: Depends on the thesaurus.

·       *Data lifespan*: Life span of eENVPlus project ranges in 2013 –
2015, by the way, the framework is going to be maintained after the project
is concluded.

 ·      *Potential audience*: Public administrations involved in the
cataloguing of geographical information and Spatial Data Infrastructure.
Decision makers searching in Spatial Data Infrastructure.

*Positive aspects:*

The use case includes publication as well as consumptions of data.

*Negative aspects:*


Data provenance.

Versioning mechanisms.

Diversity and (sometimes) complexity of Licenses.

Issues pertaining to multilingualism.

Assessment and documentation of dataset and linkset quality.

On 4 September 2014 18:55, Phil Archer <> wrote:

> A few of us gathered today to talk about the vocabularies work. It was a
> positive meeting with a good feel of "OK, let's get back to work..."
> Thanks Eric for chairing.
> The minutes are available at
> dwbp-minutes.html and you may notice a number of action items!
> Phil.
> --
> Phil Archer
> W3C Data Activity Lead
> +44 (0)7887 767755
> @philarcher1
> --
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Received on Monday, 8 September 2014 13:20:49 UTC