Re: ISSUE-80: We need a definition of "dataset"

I agree with you Phil. But as there are many different definitions of this
term being used, we have to assert the definition that we would accept.

I think that we will also need to use a term to talk about bundles that
include multiple files, multiple datasets. Maybe container, package...

As I understand, DCAT's definition of dataset does not include a dataset as
a set of files, for example.


Em sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2014, Phil Archer <> escreveu:

> I tried to word the issue relatively objectively just now in tracker,
> allowing for the possibility of the WG to come up with a definition of
> 'dataset' other than that in DCAT. More subjectively, I would personally be
> very opposed to any such redefinition unless there were very strong
> arguments for doing so.
> Phil.
> On 07/11/2014 14:25, Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Issue
> Tracker wrote:
>> ISSUE-80: We need a definition of "dataset"
>> Raised by:
>> On product:
> --
> Phil Archer
> W3C Data Activity Lead
> +44 (0)7887 767755
> @philarcher1

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Received on Friday, 7 November 2014 23:40:52 UTC