Re: ISSUE-73: What exactly is the audience for the bp doc?

Yes Ghislain! Extending existing use cases is also a good idea!


2014-11-03 10:07 GMT-03:00 Ghislain Atemezing <>

> Hello Bernadette,
> Thank you very much for classifying use cases according to possible
> stakeholders.
> Happy to contribute ;).
> This shows that we should have more use cases related to data consumers.
> Besides, this may help us during best practices definition.
> Yes. At the same time, maybe we can extend some of the use cases we
> already have to add the challenges for the data consumers.  Hence, we might
> end up with more UCs in the 3rd group.
> @Ig, I also like the idea of organizing best practices according to
> stakeholders. We're gonna try to have something similar in our BP document.
> +1
> Best,
> Ghislain

Bernadette Farias Lóscio
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil

Received on Monday, 3 November 2014 13:18:03 UTC