Re: Data on the Web Life Cycle

Hi Bernadette,

That`s great. I did not see that ....

I agree with you that to announce new data set could defined as a BP.
However, I am not sure about the license. It is an option when you publish
your data on the web. On the other hand, if you want to consider the data
as "open data", them this is mandatory.


2014-03-20 11:14 GMT-03:00 Bernadette Farias Lóscio <>:

> Hi Ig,
> Thanks for your comments!
> The two activities that you suggested are presented as possible Best
> Practices (in the end of the slides). When I was describing the life cycle,
> I was in doubt if they should be classified as activities or BP. In the
> end, I made the choice for describing them as BP, once I consider that they
> are "something that should be done"  instead of "something that must be
> done". However, I think this is worth a deeper discussion :)
> Best regards!
> Bernadette
> 2014-03-18 20:31 GMT-03:00 Ig Ibert Bittencourt <>:
> Hi Bernadette,
>> Great work. I really like the spiral proposal for Data on the Web Life
>> Cycle. I believe this proposal complements the document about BP for
>> Publishing LD [1].
>> I would like to recommend to take into account two activities:
>>    1. To specify the license applied to the data and
>>    2. To announce the new data set.
>> I think this Spiral life cycle can really guide us to see the big picture
>> of Best Practices from a publisher perspective.
>> [1]
>> Cheers,
>> Ig
>> 2014-03-18 18:35 GMT-03:00 Steven Adler <>:
>> Bernadette,
>>> This is really helpful and I think we can refer to this as we explore
>>> the use cases together.  Nice work!
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Steve
>>> Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"
>>>  From: Bernadette Farias Lóscio <> To: "
>>>" <> Date: 03/18/2014 01:43 PM
>>> Subject: Data on the Web Life Cycle
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'd like to share some of my thoughts about the process of publishing
>>> and using data on the Web with you. I prepared some slides that describe
>>> the "Data on the Web Life Cycle", which presents the main tasks and
>>> activities performed during that process.
>>> I also tried to exemplify some possible Data on the Web Best Practices,
>>> according to the proposed tasks.
>>> As proposed by Yaso in our last meeting, I think that organizing the
>>> process in tasks (or steps) may help the identification of possible best
>>> practices.
>>> This is just a preliminar version! If these ideas make sense to you,
>>> then I can also create a wiki page to help the collaborative work.
>>> I'm sending both ppt and pdf versions. Please feel free to add comments
>>> or make suggestions.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Bernadette
>>> --
>>> Bernadette Farias Lóscio
>>> Centro de Informática
>>> Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [attachment "Data on the Web Life Cycle.pdf" deleted by Steven
>>> Adler/Somers/IBM] [attachment "Data on the Web Life Cycle.pptx" deleted by
>>> Steven Adler/Somers/IBM]
>> --
>> Ig Ibert Bittencourt
>> Professor Adjunto III - Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)
>> Vice-Coordenador da Comissão Especial de Informática na Educação
>> Líder do Centro de Excelência em Tecnologias Sociais
>> Co-fundador da Startup MeuTutor Soluções Educacionais LTDA.
> --
> Bernadette Farias Lóscio
> Centro de Informática
> Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Ig Ibert Bittencourt
Professor Adjunto III - Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)
Vice-Coordenador da Comissão Especial de Informática na Educação
Líder do Centro de Excelência em Tecnologias Sociais
Co-fundador da Startup MeuTutor Soluções Educacionais LTDA.

Received on Sunday, 23 March 2014 17:41:38 UTC