W3C Data on the Web Best Practices Use Case Draft

Today, the W3C Data on the Web Best Practices WG is publishing its first 
Draft Document on Open Data Use Cases and Requirements.  The WG collected 
and analyzed 23 Use Cases from around the world as the bases for defining 
new standards according to our charter - 

Data Quality
Data Comparability
Best Practices

This is a first draft.  We will continue to collect new use cases and 
refine our understanding of what has, and will be, published.  We welcome 
comments and suggestions and look forward to your collaboration and 
feedback as we now move forward with developing the Open Data vocabulary 
standards and practices these use cases require.


Congratulations to the DWBP Working Group for producing a this first draft 
on schedule.

Best Regards,


Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2014 17:35:50 UTC