[CfP] 1st NeXt-Generation Data Governance workshop @ SEMANTiCS 2024 – NXDG 2024

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1st NeXt-Generation Data Governance workshop @ SEMANTiCS 2024 – NXDG 2024

Amsterdam, Netherlands

September 17-19, 2024



Deadline for paper submission: June 14, 2024

The NeXt-generation Data Governance 2024 workshop aims to bring together technical, legal and societal researchers, and industry experts to discuss data governance, emergence of data spaces and the impact of the European strategy for data in such systems. The workshop aims to support the development of solutions to manage data, policies and provenance in a trustful and interoperable manner and to aid in the management and reporting of legal documentation falling from the EU’s GDPR for data protection and the DGA, Data Act, AI Act and EHDS to create legally-aligned, AI-powered data ecosystems, using semantic-based specifications such as ODRL, DPV or Solid.

As such, this workshop will have presentations and discussions of interest to both data providers and consumers, researchers, standardisation bodies, businesses, and citizens who want to interoperate in the Data Spaces era.

= Important Dates =

– Full Paper Submissions: June 14, 2024, 23:59 (AoE)

– Acceptance Notifications: July 05, 2024, 23:59 (AoE)

– Conference Date: September 17-19, 2024

= Topics of Interest =

Broadly, we welcome submissions on any of the following topics: semantics and interoperability, AI & data governance, regulations, data protection, privacy, policy management and enforcement. A non-exhaustive list of suggested topics is below:

  *   Role of the Semantic Web in the European strategy for data
  *   FAIR management and interoperability of data spaces
  *   Management of data altruism / intermediation services activities
  *   Legal and governance aspects of data spaces
  *   Legal and governance aspects of IoT data management
  *   Legal and governance aspects of AI models and AI-generated data
  *   Policies for access and usage control
  *   Policy management and enforcement in data spaces
  *   Going beyond consent for personal data processing
  *   Data spaces and secondary reuse of data
  *   Reasoning over data and data policies
  *   Negotiation of access to data through Web agents
  *   Personalisation of data management interfaces
  *   Usability of data management interfaces
  *   Digital identity and data wallets
  *   User-centric perspectives on privacy and data protection
  *   Decentralisation and personal data spaces
  *   Personal knowledge graphs
  *   Standards for personal data management
  *   Standards for AI-based systems
  *   Auditing methods/tools for data spaces

= Author Guidelines and Submission =

For Submission Guidelines please head to the online call for papers: <https://2024-eu.semantics.cc/page/cfp_rev_rep> https://w3id.org/nxdg/2024

We are looking forward to your contribution!

Beatriz Esteves, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ruben Verborgh

NXDG 2024 Organisers

Received on Thursday, 16 May 2024 10:52:44 UTC