DPV OOPS! and FOOPS! validation

See attached DPV FOOPS! validation with score of 79%. OOPS! returns 5 
important pitfalls but they are all associated with defining external 
concepts e.g. skos:Concept - so we can ignore them.

VER1: version IRI - I'm not sure what is expected here. We have 
owl:versionIRI which is v2 IRI, and the ontology IRI is also v2 IRI. If 
we use the generic IRI for ontology, and version IRI for versioned 
ontology, which IRI should be put into FOOPS! input? Our terms are 
defined with the versioned namespace so you can continue using a 
previous version. Do you know what is the 'expected' metadata here?

FIND2: the prefix.cc prefix dpv still points to w3.org/ns/dpv - we can't 
change that overnight. Otherwise I have added https://w3id.org/dpv 
there. AFAIK we are compliant with this.

FIND3 and FIND3_BIS: we need to add DPV to LOV. I will do that once we 
publish v2.

VOC3 and VOC4: FOOPS! ignores use of SKOS for annotation and seems to 
prefer RDFS. I've opened an issue about this: 
https://github.com/oeg-upm/fair_ontologies/issues/114 AFAIK we are 
compliant with this.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2024 11:10:31 UTC