NIS2 Ontology – Extending DPV: Update


You may remember back at the end of May when I presented the NIS2 Ontology that I was working on.
I am coming to the end of this research project now, and have completed my work on the ontology.

For reference I have added the breakdown of the full NIS2 in-scope ISO 27001:2022 Controls (131) and their mapping coverage to DPV:
DPV Mapping Coverage to the ISO Controls

Broader Match
Complex Match
Exact Match
Narrower Match
No Match
Grand Total

Here's the link for the NIS2V RDF file: NIS2V-Vocabulary-Repository/nis2v_Ontology_Final.rdf at main · Jenni0608/NIS2V-Vocabulary-Repository (<>

Here's the link for the ISO Controls: NIS2V-Vocabulary-Repository/ISO27001_ontology_final.rdf at main · Jenni0608/NIS2V-Vocabulary-Repository (<>

Here's a link to the full set of ontology files: Jenni0608/NIS2V-Vocabulary-Repository: NIS2V Vocabulary extending DPV to describe the NIS2 Cybersecurity risk-management measures (Article 21) mapped against ISO 27001:2022 control framework. (<>

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Kind Regards,

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2024 10:30:44 UTC