Re: Proposing 1) Advertising ID and 2) Purchase Intent

Hi Art.
Thanks for the proposals.
What is the motivation here to have these concepts? And why select only 
these two specific concepts rather than the entire taxonomy from IAB/Google?

The IAB Audience and Google Taxonomies for data are something we have 
discussed - but there are issues with adopting them as-is such as 
identifying sensitive/special categories. If they are (also) to be 
adopted as-is, I had proposed they be modelled separately as an 
extension over DPV-PD to keep the external taxonomy as 'external' within 

Regarding the concepts:
1) AdvertisingID should be further specialised as DeviceAdvertisingID if 
it is only for the device, and should be a subclass of Identifier
2) PurchaseIntention should be PurchaseIntent I think (for phrasing)


On 20/12/2023 22:23, Arthit Suriyawongkul wrote:
> Classes related to advertising industry:
> (1)
> Term: AdvertisingID
> Label: Advertising ID
> Description: Information about a unique user ID assigned to a device
> or an operating environment, to help advertising services personalize
> their offers.
> SubType of: dpv-pd:DeviceBased dpv-pd:Identifying
> Source: and audience_id
> in IAB Tech Lab Data Transparency Standard 1.1
> (2)
> Term: PurchaseIntention
> Label: Purchase Intention
> Description: Information about current in-market purchase intent
> SubType of: dpv-pd:Intention dpv-pd:Transactional
> Source: IAB Tech Lab Audience Taxonomy
> See Also: dpv-pd:Purchase
> --
> "An advertising ID is a unique user ID assigned to a mobile device
> (smart phone, tablet computer), or operating environment, to help
> advertising services personalize their offers.[1] It can be sent to
> advertisers and other third parties which can use this unique ID to
> track the user's movements, habits, and usages of applications.[2]
> There is a potential for such technology to replace magic cookies."
> --
> In its Audience Taxonomy,
> Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), uses demographic, purchase
> intent, and interest for the audience segment.
> DPV-PD already has dpv-pd:Demographic and dpv-pd:Interest classes.
> Having a dpv-pd:PurchaseIntention will make DPV-PD able to closer
> align with practices in the advertising industry.
> *I use the term (Purchase) "Intention" here instead of "Intent", as
> appeared in IAB Audience Taxonomy, to make it consistent with
> dpv-pd:Intention.
> While DPV already has dpv-pd:Purchase and
> dpv-pd:PurchasesAndSpendingHabit classes,
> they are both for purchases that have been made in the past.
> --
> For an illustration of how these Demographic, Interest, and Purchase
> Intention are used, consider a possible taxonomy_id_list,
> which is a required field in the IAB Tech Lab Data Transparency
> Standard 1.1 Minimum Segment Disclosure.
> "7;20;66;123;246;641;843|PIPR8;824|PIFI2"
> - ID 7 : Demographic | Age Range | 35-39 |
> - ID 20 : Demographic | Education & Occupation | College Education |
> - ID 66 : Demographic | Household Data | $50000 - $74999 |
> - ID 123: Demographic | Household Data | 2 Adults |
> - ID 246: Interest | Automotive | Auto Technology |
> - ID 641: Interest | Sports | Field Hockey |
> - ID 824: Purchase Intent* | Automotive Ownership | Green Vehicles |
>    - has New Vehicles as a Parent
>    - Future Buyer Intent Medium
> - ID 843: Purchase Intent* | Automotive Ownership | Budget Cars |
>    - has Pre-Owned Vehicles as a Parent
>    - with a modifier PIPR6: Past Purchase Recency > 12 months
> The example is adapted from these documents
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> To be more conservative and not introducing unnecessary new classes:
> When look at Purchase Intent modifiers in [3],
> - a user can declare their own PIPRs (Past Purchase Recency) and PIPFs
> (Past Purchase Frequency) can be subtypes of dpv-pd:Purchase,
> - a user can also declare their own PIFIs (Future Buyer Intent) can be
> a subtype of dpv-pd:PurchasesAndSpendingHabit - if the "Habit" can
> also include the tendency in the future.
> And maybe there will be no need to have a separate dpv-pd:PurchaseIntention.
> --
> cheers,
> Art

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University

Received on Thursday, 21 December 2023 12:24:22 UTC