Re: Proposals

The below level of data capture is "too detailed".

I recommend not specifying such properties in the DPV specs

Cheers - Renato

> On 19 Dec 2023, at 22:38, Georg Philip Krog <> wrote:
> 5.
> I propose the following for the personal data category - Information about external characteristics that can be observed:
> Head Shape:
> pd:HeadHeight - The vertical measurement of the head from the base to the top.
> pd:HeadWidth - The horizontal measurement of the head at its widest point.
> pd:HeadLength - The measurement from the front to the back of the head.
> pd:HeadCircumference - The distance around the head, typically measured just above the ears.
> Hair Color (examples of specific colors):
> pd:HairColorBlack - The individual's hair color is black.
> pd:HairColorBrown - The individual's hair color is brown.
> pd:HairColorBlonde - The individual's hair color is blonde.
> pd:HairColorRed - The individual's hair color is red.
> pd:HairColorGray - The individual's hair color is gray.
> pd:HairColorWhite - The individual's hair color is white.
> pd:HairColorAuburn - The individual's hair color is auburn.
> pd:HairColorOther - The individual's hair color does not fit into the standard categories or is a mix of colors.
> Skin Tone:
> pd:SkinToneLight - The individual's skin tone is light.
> pd:SkinToneFair - The individual's skin tone is fair..
> pd:SkinToneMedium - The individual's skin tone is medium.
> pd:SkinToneOlive - The individual's skin tone is olive.
> pd:SkinToneTan - The individual's skin tone is tan.
> pd:SkinToneBrown - The individual's skin tone is brown.
> pd:SkinToneDark - The individual's skin tone is dark.
> pd:SkinToneBlack - The individual's skin tone is black.

Received on Wednesday, 20 December 2023 00:08:54 UTC