Good news: ISO 27560 published with DPV used in Annex A

Hi folks - good news as the ISO/IEC TS 27560:2023 Privacy technologies — 
Consent record information structure has been formally published. Annex 
A contains two examples of consent records of which one uses JSON-LD 
with DPV as the vocabulary.

This is great for exposure and impact. Thanks to contributors from DPVCG 
- especially Jan as the co-editor of 27560. Also a reminder that I have 
proposed and am working on a guidance for the implementation ofboth 
29184 and 27560 using DPV. If you're interested - email me directly. (not open access)

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University

Received on Monday, 14 August 2023 09:36:33 UTC