Re: DPCat: Data Processing Catalogue using DPV and DCAT(-AP)


> The ROPA in DPCat is a 'view' or 'metadata' that provides interoperable
> abstraction over all these implementation details. This permits the
> organisation to keep its information in whatever structure and format
> and location it wishes to, while the ROPA-related fields provide data
> governance capabilities for tools and services that operate on ROPA
> through those metadata fields.

Maybe I am not understanding the profile.

I take this example dataset, according to DCAT-AP:


        dct:issued         "2018-12-04" ;
        dct:modified       "2022-04-19" ;
        dct:publisher      [ a          foaf:Agent ;
                             dct:type   <> ;
                             foaf:name  "London Borough of Camden"
                           ] ;

        a                  dcat:Dataset .

Is the following correct according to the intentions to make it a  ROPA Record? (Or does it must be a ROPA?)


        dct:issued         "2018-12-04" ;
        dct:modified       "2022-04-19" ;
        dct:publisher      [ a          foaf:Agent ;
                             dct:type   <> ;
                             foaf:name  "London Borough of Camden"
                           ] ;

        a                  dcat:Dataset ;

        a <> .

Is this the intentional approach?
Or does a ROPARecord expresses something about the dataset <> ?

> If there were no such (GDPR related) fields, then the ROPA as a catalog
> would just be a small wrapper around a document detailing who published
> it and when. That isn't much useful to anyone. The actual value of
> putting these fields is that it enables a lot of smart queries and data
> management tasks to be carried out by DPOs, managers, auditors,
> investigators, etc.

That is not the point I am struggling with, I am struggling with how I can relate the ROPA(Record) to an actual dataset in
Because that influences the profile construction.
E.g. For me a ROPARecord (confusing it is a Dataset while there is in DCAT CatalogueRecord ;)) ) could be independent form a DCAT-AP dataset.
The likelyhood is high it is different.



Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2022 15:33:19 UTC