DPV v0.2 and DPV-GDPR v0.2 are published

Congratulations and thanks to all who participated in this release. Its 
good to see ongoing effort in a community group, and I'm happy that DPV 
is gathering interest (work-in-progress 
https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/wiki/Adoption_of_DPVCG wiki page).

https://w3.org/ns/dpv with repo: https://github.com/dpvcg/dpv

https://w3.org/ns/dpv-gdpr with repo: https://github.com/dpvcg/dpv-gdpr

The published versions are at GitHub with documentation. There may 
invariably be errors and mistakes. Please open an issue on GitHub or 
reply here so we can fix it.

For adopters: note that there are backward-incompatible changes with 
some properties being renamed or converted to classes. There's a 
changelog for overview.

Next steps: publish the Primer and examples/use-cases for use of DPV 

Our next call is scheduled for coming Wednesday 20-JAN.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Research Fellow
ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Received on Wednesday, 13 January 2021 23:30:50 UTC