Agenda for call scheduled JAN-06

Dear All,
Please see below the agenda and call details.
Reply to this thread to add items on the agenda.

--------- CALL ---------
JAN-06 13:00 WET (Dublin, London) / 14:00 CET (Berlin, Vienna, Madrid, Rome)

Dial in info:

Meeting link shared on the internal (members-only) mailing list. For 
non-members, please request the link to me or a member.

--------- AGENDA ---------

Publishing DPV and DPV-GDPR with documentation



Hope everyone and their close ones are safe and had a pleasant 
Christmas. Best wishes for the new year.


Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Research Fellow
ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Received on Monday, 4 January 2021 16:09:46 UTC