Discussing GA4GH consent representation using DPV

Dear All,
I received an invite to present DPV to GA4GH (https://www.ga4gh.org/) 
member Adrian Thorogood (who works on Machine Readable Consent Guidance) 
- Thanks to George/Signatu for this.

The aim would be to present the DPV and discuss whether the GA4GH can 
utilise this for their machine-readable consent requirements, to see if 
the GA4GH requirements can be utilised as an use-case for DPVCG.

This will probably happen 19:00 CEST / 13:00 EDT this Thursday (subject 
to suitability for all).

I will be sharing the minutes of this meeting back with the group.

If you are interested in contributing to this exercise as a DPVCG 
member, please let me know so I can add you.
If you have specific points you wish for me to convey, please share them 
on this email thread.

This is not part of the Notice & Consent Summer Project posted by Mark 
to the group recently 
(https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2020Jun/0004.html) - 
though people working on DPV within the project are welcome to attend 
the call.

P.S. I will be point to the existence of SPECIAL project and their work 
on consent as an example of what DPV (which is based on SPECIAL base 
vocabulary)  can be used to do. However, to the best of my 
understanding, GA4GH is also requesting formalisation of the request 
(e.g. notice information) and the workflow surrounding it. For this, I 
will be referencing to GDPR requirements and ISO/IEC 29184 as the basis.

Harshvardhan Pandit, Ph.D
Researcher at ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Received on Monday, 15 June 2020 12:58:59 UTC