Re: DPV semantics: how to specify values?

Dear Harsh, all,

The authors of paper [1] proceeded following a common pattern, and I 
would advocate for option 1.

In this pattern, dpv:Collection is a class representing an action 
--please note that you defined dpv:Collection as "to gather data from 
someone", which is a verb.
Instances of that class are specific executions of that actions. "what 
Victor collected yesterday", "the collection of Harsh tomorrow", "the 
collection of the person requesting this personal data handling".
Consequently, the anonymous modelling of the authors of [1] is correct.

As a second reason, the property hasProcessing has dpv:Processing as 
range. From here, reasoners will infer that dpv:Collect is of type 
dpv:Processing, and hence a classs individual. Thus, if I am not wrong, 
dpv:Collect will be both class and instance. This was directly forbidden 
in OWL1, but accepted in OWL2 [2] ("punning"). So it will be ok but 
maybe not so appealing.

But please consider that I am not closely following this work, so I do 
apologize if I missed something.

Best regards,


El 01/04/2020 a las 9:43, Harshvardhan J. Pandit escribió:
> Hello.
> Came across this paper [1] using DPV.
> What is the opinion of the semantic web experts here on how instances 
> should be represented? Directly as classes or as blank nodes?
> The paper presents an example of PersonalDataHandling instance as:
> ex:dataRequest a dpv:PersonalDataHandling ;
>   dpv:hasDataSubject     ex:patient1 ;
>   dpv:hasPurpose         [a dpv:AcacemicResearch] ;
>   dpv:hasProcessing      [a dpv:Collect];
>   dpv:hasLegalBasis      [a dpv:Consent];
>   dpv:hasDataController  ex:hospital1;
>   dpv:haRecipient        ex:physician3;
>   dpv:hasPersonalDataCategory [a dpv:PhysicalHealth];
>   dcterms:title          "Personal Data Collection for clinical study 
> ..." .
> In providing examples, how should we advocate use of the vocabulary?
> 1) blank nodes -> dpv:hasProcessing [a dpv:Collect];
> I assume this arises is from the property's range value which is taken 
> to require an instance of dpv:Processing, and therefore the creation 
> of a blank node.
> I do not think this is a good design pattern simply because it leaves 
> blank nodes with no purpose other than to satisfy the range is an 
> instance of a class semantics. I presume this is also not how people 
> would think about processing - one is likely to go processing is 
> "Collect".
> 2) specify classes -> dpv:hasProcessing dpv:Collect;
> I like that this is much cleaner and what someone would actually want 
> to indicate, but does not seem to satisfy range is an instance of 
> dpv:hasProcessing condition (note: it doesn't violate it either).
> This question has also been raised to me at various points, especially 
> by those who are not well versed in semantic web (including me!).
> And in working on the Primer, it would be good to have this clarified 
> in the examples.
> [1] Personal Data Privacy Semantics in Multi-Agent Systems Interactions
> Davide Calvaresi, Michael Schumacher, and Jean-Paul Calbimonte
> University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzelrand (HES-SO)
> Regards,

Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel
D3205 - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
ETS de Ingenieros Informáticos
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, Spain
Tel. (+34) 910672914
Skype: vroddon3

Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2020 16:26:36 UTC