- From: Rigo Wenning <rigo@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 18:20:09 +0100
- To: public-dpvcg@w3.org
Can be found at http://www.w3.org/2018/12/11-dpvcg-minutes.html attached for convenience: Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group Teleconference 11 Dec 2018 Attendees Present Dave Lewis, Rigo Wenning, Harshvardhan Pandit, Eva Schlehahn, Mark Lizar, Martin Kunze, Bert Bos, Bud Bruegger, Axel Polleres Regrets Chair Axel Pollleres Scribe rigo Contents • Topics 1. action review https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/track/actions/open 2. Bud about the new processiong • Summary of Action Items • Summary of Resolutions ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ <AxelPollleres> PROPOSED: approve minutes rom F2F <AxelPollleres> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2018Dec/ 0042.html <scribe> scribe: rigo rigo: all requested incorporated <AxelPollleres> Axel: Rigo confirmed all ACTION items have been collected <AxelPollleres> PROPOSED: approve minutes rom F2F, cf. https://lists.w3.org/ Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2018Dec/0042.html <harsh> +1 +1 RESOLUTION: approve minutes rom F2F, cf. https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ public-dpvcg/2018Dec/0042.html trackbot, ACTION-50? <trackbot> ACTION-50 -- Bud P. Bruegger to Suggest a new hierarchy of the usage policy diagram and integrate into the presentation of tuesday 11 -- due 2018-12-11 -- OPEN <trackbot> https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/track/actions/50 trackbot, ACTION-51? <trackbot> ACTION-51 -- Bud P. Bruegger to Prepare a presentation for next dpvcg telco on 11 december -- due 2018-12-11 -- OPEN <trackbot> https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/track/actions/51 <MarkL> Hello Hi Mark Axel: Minutes were approved ... main goal is to to go through the minutes and report from the F2F Eva: agenda+ for Bud to present his model of processing Bud: 30 min and trying screen sharing Axel: covered all the items we wanted to discuss [enumerates] for further info see https://www.w3.org/2018/12/03-dpvcg-minutes and https://www.w3.org/ 2018/12/ 04-dpvcg-minutes action review https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/track/actions/open Axel: action-6 continued ... DMA and IDS project has no detailed response yet trackbot, close ACTION-31 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-31. Axel: Keep Action-33 open Mark: was hoping to align work with Kantara, there is a lot of benefit Axel: we should talk at next call about Action-33 ... we start with Action-42 Eva: Action-42 is ongoing ... action-43 had some feedback, is not very usable for us. Will send email to the list note action-43 eva will send email to the list <trackbot> Notes added to action-43 Have a look a study on aal that might help us. <AxelPollleres> close ACTION-46 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-46. <AxelPollleres> close ACTION-47 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-47. Harsh: was discussing action-48 on email. Axel: maybe put a link to ?? <AxelPollleres> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2018Dec/ 0021.html note action-48 add https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2018Dec/ 0021.html <trackbot> Notes added to action-48 Look into classifications of organisations that could serve as a basis for clsssifying data controllers. Eva: action-49 did not know how to put the image to the wiki. Do not know where to put it ... the boxes where we added "legal grounds" in Vienna harsh: under policy would be an option Axel: Link it from the taxonomy page <AxelPollleres> close ACTION-50 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-50. <AxelPollleres> close ACTION-51 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-51. Bud: Action-50 will be treated in the presentation later today harsh: suggestion from Javier that I like, will continue to discuss Axel: on mailing-list for further discussion <harsh> mail for Action 53 (check thread for more conversations) https:// lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2018Dec/0014.html <AxelPollleres> slides ACTION-54 are here https://lists.w3.org/Archives/ Public/ public-dpvcg/2018Dec/0036.html note action-53 thread with further conversation at https://lists.w3.org/ Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2018Dec/0014.html <trackbot> Notes added to action-53 Together with harsh, fajar, javier start on a base ontology, suggest a namespace, etc. and start populate the sub-taxonomies, agree on language to model it.. <AxelPollleres> close ACTION-54 <trackbot> Closed ACTION-54. Bud about the new processiong Eva: screen sharing via webex. Bud: processing operations Eva: images with core processing model sent yesterday as first in the slide deck Bud: it is only about processing personal data, then there is processing, only those necessary for the given purpose AxelPollleres: also location for processing, do we need the time for processing Bud: it is time to store, storage and transfer are special cases of processing ... lower right corner could also be deletion, then timestamp would be relevant Axel: we have temperal elements in SPECIAL Bud: storage location is relevant ... can be many locations, because of backup etc, also time of storage <AxelPollleres> Axel: don't we also need temporal aspects for processing? Bud: core purpose for exchange of services or goods, but often things are bundled to make a package deal. Other purposes are not core ... base consent to multiple purposes, then optional purpose ... than optional additional purposes that are not bundled <AxelPollleres> Axel: why is there the distinction between base and additional consent? Bud: what is the relation between purpose and data, does addtional purpose mean additional data or same data? Mark: time period for consent and time for data retention <AxelPollleres> Mark: time period for consent? Mark: update consent which is linked to data retention in GDPR => slides will be sent to the list after the meeting <AxelPollleres> Axel: I think that legal ground needs a temporal dimension (at least law or consent) AxelPollleres: we discussed purposes in meeting with harsh harsh: started discussion on mailing-list <harsh> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2018Dec/0041.html AxelPollleres: we wanted to insantiate purposes <harsh> described on the wiki https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/wiki/ Purposes_for_handling_Personal_Data#High-level_categories_.28to-be-discussed. 29 => discussion on purposes eva: suggest to raise this as an issue Axel: core purpose, without this, no service can be provided ... research etc <AxelPollleres> ACTION: Axel And Bert to collect ACTIONS and emails to be discussed in subsequent calls <trackbot> Created ACTION-56 - And bert to collect actions and emails to be discussed in subsequent calls [on Axel Polleres - due 2018-12-18]. dlewis: good start, logic and high level makes sense, just wondering about the distinction between optimization and optimization for the client that I would call personalization AxelPollleres: we may make the distinction, server of consumer side <AxelPollleres> Dave: personalisation is an optimization for a single data subject discussion about the optimization term optimization for service or optimization for data subject <AxelPollleres> local language can be considered personalisation, but affects more than a single consumer, but is not optimization dlewis: what is an optimization anyway, how to distinguish from other functionalities <AxelPollleres> Harsh: local language can be considered personalisation, but affects more than a single consumer, but is not optimization <harsh> We should create an issue and discuss this later/in mails. (conscious of time) <MarkL> (thanks for call I have to drop ) <AxelPollleres> ACTION: harsh to start definitionsions of the high-level purposes at https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/wiki/ Purposes_for_handling_Personal_Data#High-level_categories_.28to-be-discussed. 29 and map them to purposes collected from use cases <trackbot> Created ACTION-57 - Start definitionsions of the high-level purposes at https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/wiki/ purposes_for_handling_personal_data# high-level_categories_.28to-be-discussed.29 and map them to purposes collected from use cases [on Harshvardhan Pandit - due 2018-12-18]. <MarkL> great work everyone -- great to see this am looking forward to contributing.. next meeting 8 Jan? Axel: suggest we target that date? Bert: will be available on 8 Jan Axel: season's greetings.... <AxelPollleres> Bert is available to chair on 8th if I'm unavailable. adjourned Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: Axel And Bert to collect ACTIONS and emails to be discussed in subsequent calls [NEW] ACTION: harsh to start definitionsions of the high-level purposes at https://www.w3.org/community/dpvcg/wiki/Purposes_for_handling_Personal_Data# High-level_categories_.28to-be-discussed.29 and map them to purposes collected from use cases Summary of Resolutions 1. approve minutes rom F2F, cf. https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ public-dpvcg/2018Dec/0042.html
Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2018 17:20:21 UTC