Re: Data Purposes

Dear All,
We (Axel, Javier, Elmar, Fajar, and Simon;) had a discussion today in 
Vienna regarding Purpose Categories, and came up with some high-level 
which are now in the wiki for discussion.

On 09/12/18 9:51 PM, Harshvardhan J. Pandit wrote:
> Hello all,
> We discussed in the Vienna F2F about high-level purposes or dimensions 
> using examples from MyData.
> Following that, on the 4th, we looked at Purposes as defined in Consent 
> Receipt 
> TIt discusses things such as core functions (legitimate interest???), 
> contracted service (contract???), contact requested (communication), 
> personalisation, marketing, marketing by third parties. However, the 
> last few purposes are very abstract as to their use and application.
> I like the distinction of categorising purposes at a high-level based on 
> how they relate to the controller and the data subject (a point which 
> Bud raised in the F2F) i.e. which of them are essential, which are 
> legal, and which are complimentary, or which does the user have control 
> over.
> This would be separate from any other categorisation, such as basaed on 
> domain or service.
> There are examples of this being used in some privacy policies (in the 
> wild, so to speak) as well.
> Regards,

Harshvardhan J. Pandit
PhD Researcher
ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Received on Monday, 10 December 2018 17:46:34 UTC