Fwd: after W3C f2f in DC last week -- phone call Thursday morning 9 am Pacific time?

Community Group members:  this is a re-send because I forgot that W3C does not handle large attachments well.
(this is a link to the Eckersley-Lowenthal-Mayer proposal referred to below)

(this is a link to a 28-page PDF that merged all 5 of the proposals that were reviewed at the W3C meeting in DC)

Apologies to Jeff Chester for not saying that this request for a meeting was at his urging.  Jeff has put a great deal of energy and effort into the W3C process.

We hope you will be able to make the call.

I will send call-in information later.


> On Apr 17, 2012, at 8:56 PM, Lee Tien wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> All or most of you signed on to the Community Group document submitted to W3C in January.  We have had some talks since then, but we should have another one now that the DC f2f is over.  
>> Peter attended for EFF, and he worked closely with Jonathan Mayer of Stanford and Tom Lowenthal of Mozilla on a proposal.  (which is contained within this merge document of all the proposals, as is John's separate proposal)
>> <5ComplianceMergedProposals.pdf>
>> At the end of the week it was clear that the industry proposal from Shane Wiley of Yahoo! and the Eckersley/Lowenthal/Mayer proposal were the two left standing.  
>> Peter's very concise summary is here.  
>> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/04/will-industry-agree-meaningful-do-not-track
>> John's comments are here.
>> http://www.consumerwatchdog.org/blog/do-not-track-agreement-possible-only-if-industry-makes-concessionstoo
>> We think that the next few weeks will be pretty important.  
>> Because time is short, John and I decided to have a call at 9 am Thursday Pacific time, hoping to get a fair number of us.  
>> Please let us know if you'll be able to make it.  I am happy to schedule another call to catch folks who really can't make this.  But we want to get the endgame started.  
>> I will try to pass on more information in later email.  
>> Thanks,
>> Lee (and John and Jeff)

Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2012 05:41:42 UTC