Re: Best citation format for accessibility

On 23/09/2015 13:19 , Bill Kasdorf wrote:
> That's not necessarily to disagree with your point. One of the reasons I
> asked Robin if there was any inherent conflict—and this may not have
> been clear—was the prospect of using BOTH in the same HTML page. So is
> THAT a conflict?

No, not at all, and there are very good use cases for using both.

In the body of the text you could have

  <a href="#foo" role="dpub-biblioref">(17)</a>

and then in the References section

  <li id="foo" role="dpub-biblioentry" typeof="schema:ScholarlyArticle">
   ...lots of semantic-enhanced markup...

• Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon
• — intelligent science publishing

Received on Wednesday, 23 September 2015 19:01:14 UTC