Re: [metadata] yet another vocabulary coming up?

Looking at this, one thing that dawned on me... What I would like to understand is how the different vocabularies relate to a whole publishing pipeline (maybe pipeline is not the right word because things are not necessarily linear). You guys are the expert, I am just the layperson, but in my mind there is some sort of a workflow starting with the author, going on with the editing and production, marketing and sale, then the library cataloging, the references to the publication (eg for scholarly publishing), making it available for search engines, down to a possible personal management of one's own bookshelves. Each of these steps and states involve terms to use, which is, in my jargon, the vocabulary and identifiers to use. 

So... I would love to have a clearer understanding on which vocabulary can be hooked on which of these steps. Of course, it is not very simple, because one vocabulary can have a role in several of these states, but each has a particular advantage/emphasis which makes it particularly usable and/or largely used in a particular state. For example, ONIX seems to have lots of marketing and sale terms, but it is way too complicated for search engines I presume; hence the necessity of the bibliographic extensions to Dublin core is very simple, but this means it has the power of simplicity as well as ubiquity which makes it o.k. for linkage to many other things. The various LOC vocabularies seem to bind the publication metadata to the traditional library cataloguing world. Etc.

Ie: for each vocabulary: what is its main role, main purpose, where does it fit in the publishing world?

Am I banging on open doors? I mean, is this very clear to people in the publishing world? If so, I will shut up. But if not, this may give some sort of a guiding principles for the issues we would try to document...



On 10 Mar 2014, at 15:43 , Bill Kasdorf <> wrote:

> Yes, MODS has been around a long time and is definitely relevant. So is another such general purpose and somewhat related scheme from the LOC, METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard), which is at I often refer to METS when talking to folks about metadata because it makes clear that metadata can encompass descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata--folks often think in terms of just one of those. In fact, you probably noticed that MODS is described as a potential extension schema to METS. My impression of MODS is that it is primarily bibliographic metadata, but perhaps somebody else on the IG can correct me if I'm wrong about that.
> Thanks for sending this--both MODS and METS need to be part of the discussion, definitely.
> --Bill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ivan Herman [] 
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 6:32 AM
> To: Bill Kasdorf
> Cc: W3C Digital Publishing IG
> Subject: [metadata] yet another vocabulary coming up?
> It may be old news for you, but it is new to me...
> I have just ran across 
> We clearly do not have enough vocabularies to choose from:-)
> Interestingly, 
> says:
> [[[
> MODS is intended to complement other metadata formats. For some applications, particularly those that have used MARC records, there will be advantages over other metadata schemes. Some advantages are:
> 	* The element set is richer than Dublin Core
> 	* The element set is more compatible with library data than ONIX
> 	* The schema is more end user oriented than the full MARCXML schema
> 	* The element set is simpler than the full MARC format ]]]
> which would make it highly relevant for this community, too; after all, both ONIX and Dublin Core are widely used by publishers...
> We should pick up the discussion on whether we want to give some sort of an overview of existing vocabularies.
> ivan
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C
> Digital Publishing Activity Lead
> Home:
> mobile: +31-641044153
> GPG: 0x343F1A3D

Ivan Herman, W3C 
Digital Publishing Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153
GPG: 0x343F1A3D

Received on Monday, 10 March 2014 16:37:58 UTC