Whose problem is a strange French typesetting habit...

Reading through Dave's text[1]...

There is an unusual French typesetting habit? rule? that I have not seen in any other language. Afaik, in French it is required to have a space before a '!', a ':', a '?', etc. sign. (But not before a full stop.). Ie, you are supposed to write

	Bonjour !

and not


I also know that it is frequent on, say, Web sites of French newspapers to have a mistake of the sort:

	je luis ai dit

i.e., the line break occurs at the space between 'dit' and the ':' characters (which is really disturbing). 

The rules are not always followed; I just looked randomly at an iBook version of "Les misérables" and those spaces do not appear. I do not know whether this is considered as a serious mistake for French publishers (Pierre?).

The question is: whose job is it to control this?

- Up to the author, who should put a   (non-breaking space) at the right place
- The reading system, which should take this into account if the language is set to be French
- CSS should have a control for this (afaik it currently does not)
- anybody else?

I guess the more general issue is also what I referred to in[2]: how do we make it sure that the various requirements we may formulate are in line with different cultures and writing systems? Or at least they reasonably cover a major percentage of the globe's population?


[1] http://w3c.github.io/dpub-pagination/index.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/mid/5F94D807-5727-4406-B03A-DA91469C6EC4@w3.org

Ivan Herman, W3C 
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Received on Saturday, 26 October 2013 11:04:53 UTC