Re: distributed methods description - Was: Updating the DID method registry

There is some requirement for exclusivity.
If a DID is to be exclusive the method strings must be exclusive.
`did:method_a:specific_identifier` and `did:method_b:specific_identifier`
should be as exclusive as the respective methods allow.
just as `http:` `ftp:` `mailto:` need to not be overloaded with multiple
specifications `did:method_a` should have a single specification as to what
that method means. The need for a registry is as simple as preventing
competition for a method string and providing a link to a specification for
how to turn a DID_String into a DID_Document.

Now if you wanted a `
did:self-descriptive:self-discoverable:specific_identifier` and then have a
weather exclusivity guarantee for that "method" you could put the
discoverable methods under it.

Received on Monday, 1 July 2024 15:56:52 UTC