Re: [Minutes] DID WG 2020-11-17

Greetings --

My frustration around this new Patent Policy has grown since 
today's call. Hopefully it will shrink with the response to 
this message.

Could someone please translate the following (from the Virtual 
TPAC slidedeck, slide #81) for me?

> Section 4 has the most changes, we’re not going to go into
> them in detail here.
> These are the changes that are most important for member
> companies to review.
> These changes are all related to the ability of a working
> group to now produce several, subsequent patent review drafts.

What are the antecedents for the "These" in the 2nd and 3rd 
paragraphs? They seem to be different. One is likely to refer 
to the changes in Section 4, mentioned in the first paragraph, 
what of the other? And which is which?

Is this slide trying to say that the changes (from other 
sections of the PP) covered in detail on the preceding 
slides were the most important?

Or that the changes (from Section 4) *not* covered in detail 
are the most important?

Or something else?

Based on the screencaps in the preceding slides, it seems likely 
that the Patent Policy document revision was done on github, and
that I should therefore be able to view a DIFF between the old
and new documents there, optimally both pre- and post-ReSpec, 
but sufficient if only as HTML markup (i.e., pre-ReSpec).

But maybe that visibility is restricted to members of some WG or
other to which I do not belong.  (Which would be another point
of contention, but I'll leave that for now.)

The W3C is *supposed* to be a technical organization, working on
and with technical tools, and should *not* reduce membership to
visually comparing printouts, nor effectively make each member 
org jump through similar if not identical technological hoops 
to get digital copies of the old and the new off the web and 
into whatever comparison tools they might have available (Word, 
diff, etc.), and so on. I really hope there's a DIFF page that's
already created and available for showing to anyone relevant,
including AC Reps who have to approve it, and WG members who 
have to work within it.

The current state of affairs makes it impossible for me to make 
a simple approve/reject recommendation, nor to provide a clear
comparison of old vs new to OpenLink's AC Rep, upon which they 
can base a quick decision.

Can anybody help me out here?



A: Yes.                
| Q: Are you sure?           
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
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Received on Wednesday, 18 November 2020 01:26:07 UTC