Re: DID Core specification ready for horizontal review

On 5/29/20 8:44 AM, Jonathan Holt wrote:
> Seems to be missing my CBOR PR.  I worked hard to get it in on time.

The CBOR PR was not on the list of things to include before horizontal
review. There are concerns with that PR that we'll raise on the next DID
WG call. I hope you'll be able to make that call so we can discuss how
to move your PR forward.

That said, it'll take weeks for the groups doing the Horizontal Review
to assign a reviewer and perform the review. I expect your CBOR PR to be
in by then, which would then be included in the review if we circulate as the review URL (it's auto published
and date stamped when new PRs are pushed to master).

Chairs, we'll want to provide instructions for Horizontal Review so that
people use the generic TR URL and then note the date stamp on any issue
they raise. We may want to consider an did-core issue template that
provides a date-stamped URL.

-- manu

PS: Ivan, Echidna seems to be busted again?

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Friday, 29 May 2020 13:37:56 UTC