Re: Network Information API

Hi all,

I have rebooted the Network Information API based on long-going discussions
with @Yoav Weiss <> (who currently is still OoO):

   - Motivational doc:
   - Explainer:
   - Spec draft:

This is all in a relatively early stage, but I thought now would be a good
time to get early feedback.


On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 11:04 AM Kostiainen, Anssi <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I just opened two GH issues to discuss the DAS WG TPAC proceedings for the
> Network Information API.
> Maybe we'll move this discussion to the spec GH repo to have more eyeballs
> on the issues? See inline.
> On 26. Oct 2020, at 11.09, Thomas Steiner <> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 4:51 PM Ilya Grigorik <>
> wrote:
>> Hey all.
>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 5:12 AM Thomas Steiner <> wrote:
>>> Thanks, all, for the responses so far. The initial question for @Ilya
>>> Grigorik <> still stands (whether there's still
>>> some active spec work happening).
>> +Yoav Weiss <> captured it well, there is desire but
>> no active spec work to address some of the lessons learned. If someone is
>> willing to drive that process, that'd be great.
> Thanks for the update, Ilya! I guess it's up to the two WGs' chairs then
> to see if and how to collaborate on this spec then, right?
>  Also, thanks, Addy, for the household names, we definitely have some
>> strong industry representatives in there and can thus say the use cases are
>> indeed valid and on active use.
>>> For the use cases in fact, there's some great discussion happening
>>> already in issue 85 <>, with
>>> the "metered" aspects being the topic of issue 84
>>> <>. So I guess we're in a
>>> theoretically good position to continue this discussion and just need to
>>> agree on a practical way as to the how. Is this an adequate summary of the
>>> state of affairs?
>> Yes, I'd just caution not to over-index on the past backlog and first
>> spend some quality time on unpacking lessons learned from what is already
>> out there, and have a think on whether there is a simpler implementation
>> that can satisfy the key needs whilst exposing less entropy.
> I agree. @Addy Osmani <>, are you in a position to
> provide some insights here? And @Yoav Weiss <>, you
> the WG members would probably have opinions on this, too. Is it worth
> opening an Issue to collect new use cases and another one to reflect on
> existing use cases?
> Thanks,
> -Anssi (DAS WG co-chair)

Thomas Steiner, PhD—Developer Advocate (,

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Received on Friday, 13 August 2021 11:16:58 UTC