[discovery-api] Consolidated comments and questions

Hi all,

As promised at the DAP call last week, here is a collection of comments and
questions on Network Service Discovery APIs that have not been addressed
or resolved. I've grouped them into three categories - technical comments,
feature requests, and questions and clarifications. Hopefully this helps in
focusing future discussions one way or another.

I tried to distill some of the issues where I can, but left most of them in 
the way
that they were initially brought up. Hence the length of this message.

If I inadvertently left out anything, please kindly add to the list. Thanks.

Regards, Cathy.


Comments and questions on Network Service Discovery APIs (4 Oct, 2012 draft 

A. Technical comments on the current draft
1. Explicit user permission is required for every device upon each
getNetworkServices() call. Should that be changed? From Greg [1]:
[[The user verification steps are good as a semantic point, I think, but the
spec seems too insistent that the user be prompted for every discovery
interaction. If they have a TV they are controlling, why not enable that to
be used by default? I think the thinking from comparing web intents and
registerProtocolHandler will prevail -- the set of APIs that allow users to
select handlers, services, etc. will be presented to the user in a uniform
way by UAs, and so the same defaulting policies should apply to all.]]
Rich's response [2]:
[[That's a good point. The spec doesn't yet have wording to this effect. I
expect we could add it at Step 13 of the getNetworkServices algorithm,
changing it to something like "Optionally, e.g. based on a
previously-established user preference, for security reasons, or due to
platform limitations, the user agent may "... return a pre-defined
successCallback or throw an errorCallback. The wording here would need some
work ;)]]
Greg's suggestion [3]:
[[4.1 ... When the getNetworkServices(type, successCallback[,
errorCallback]) method is called, the user agent must run the following
10. The user agent must prompt the user in a user-agent-specific manner for
permission ...

I suggest changing this to something along the lines of "The user agent must
not provide the entry script's origin [...] without prior permission given
by the user." or something like that to communicat that the user and UA can
team up to make defaulting possible -- the point being the UA has a
responsibility to the user not to do things without permission, but they can
get an understanding of that permission without explicit prompting at every

2. In the introductory text of 7 Service Discovery, in the definition of "list
of available service records", s/at any given time/at the current time/ to
match the change made to "list of active service managers".

3. Unnecessary requirement on UA to issue UPnP search requests with search
target of "upnp:rootdevice". From Cathy [4], [6]:
In the introductory text of 7.2 Simple Service Discovery Protocol,
[[The user agent must issue all search requests for UPnP root devices with a
HTTP request line equal to M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1, with a HOST header equal to
the reserved multicast address and port of, a MAN header
equal to ssdp:discover, an ST header equal to upnp:rootdevice and a user-agent
defined MX header equal to a maximum UPnP advertisement response wait time
value between 1 and 5 seconds.]]
This requires UAs to always issue search requests for "upnp:rootdevice".
However, in cases where the UA invokes a search in response to a call to
getNetworkServices() with a particular UPnP service type, the UA should be
allowed to issue a search with the requested search target instead of the much
broader "upnp:rootdevice" one. This would cause only the targeted services to
respond (as opposed to all services responding and leaving it to the UA to
filter out those that do not match).

4. Simplify algorithm for "adding an available service"? From Cathy [6]:
[[Actually looking at the algorithm again, step 4.2.3 should be performed when
the new service registration flag is *true*. In the case that the flag was
false, the service was already in the list of available service records,
meaning it must have already been online (by definition of the list of
available service records). Thus, all the corresponding NetworkService objects
within each NetworkServices object would also have had the online attribute
set to true. There would be no need to change their online attributes and no
need to dispatch the serviceonline events. On the other hand, in the case that
the new service registration flag is true, and a matching service record is
found in the service manager, the service must have been previously
discovered, the service record removed from the list of available service
record (because it went offline), and was retained in the service manager and
marked as offline (per step in 'removing an available service'). Now
that the service is back online, the matching record in the service manager
needs to be marked as online and the serviceonline event be dispatched. (Note
also that the condition that the online attribute was previously false is
unnecessary, as it must always be the case.)

Furthermore, since steps 3 and 4 both apply only when the new service
registration flag is true, one can simplify the algorithm by aborting at the
end of step 2.3 (where an existing service record is found in the current list
of available service records). In fact, the new service registration flag is
not even needed at all, simplifying this even more.]]

5. From Cathy [4]: In 7.2, in the steps for processing HTTP Requests, Step 3
applies only to ssdp:alive messages (ssdp:byebye messages do not have the
CACHE-CONTROL and LOCATION entries). It should start with "If the
value of the NTS entry of the ssdp device is 'ssdp:alive'".

6. From Cathy [6]: In 7, in the steps for adding an available service, step 4
determines if the network service record is of a type that the service manager
would be
interested in (and hence whether the servicesAvailable attribute needs to be
updated and the serviceavailable event be sent). It would be more accurate to
simply compare the network service record's type attribute with the type
attribute that was used in the getNetworkServices API to create the particular
service manager object. Consider the case where the web page invokes
getNetworkServices with two types (A and B). At the time of the invocation,
two service records of type A were found but nothing of type B was found. The
associated service manager object would therefore have two service records,
both of type A, but it (or the web page) would certainly still be interested
in being notified if a new service of type B do become available later on.
With the current algorithm, when a new service of type B is found by the UA,
the service manager would not be made aware of it.

7. From Cathy [6]: In 7, in the steps for removing an available service, step
2 attempts to unsubscribe from existing UPnP events subscriptions. However,
subscription is done once per each *authorized* service, i.e. per
NetworkService object instances in service manager objects, and not per
instance of the service record in the list of available service records. Thus
step 2 should be a sub-step of 3.2.3.

8. Network topology. From Youenn [7]:
[[A device may have more than one ongoing network connection.
If one network connection is dropped amongst several, only the service records
that are related to the dropped network should probably be removed.
First sentence in section 7.3 may be further precised on that respect.]]

B. Feature requests
1. Unpack config information? From Greg [3]:
[[Would it be more convenient to unpack that for the client in a strucured
way? That is, it sounds like the opaque config string may only be useful if
the client app already has knowledge of particular devices. Should the API
provide that identifier (unique device id?
device descriptor doc?) in parsed form? Or are there too many or too much
variation for that to make sense?

I don't know that a special user opt-in for this info makes sense -- my
question is more about what the client will use it for, and whether the UA
can do a better job of presenting it, or if it'll be hard to use, should
just not present it at all.]]

2. Expiration time of mDNS service record should either come from the service
or be left up to implementation, and not mandated by the spec (currently
120ms). From Cathy [4].
Also from Youenn [7]:
[[120 seconds seems a pretty small value.
Depending on the message types, the recommended TTL value is either 120
seconds or 75 minutes as per the mdns spec.
Would 75 minutes be more appropriate in that case?

More generally, a browser may have a precise knowledge of the TTL and may
prefer using a value different from the one in the spec.
Would it make sense to accommodate the rules accordingly?]]
Rich indicated that the Zeroconf section will be reviewed and revised [5].

3. Use UPnP friendly name as NetworkService.name? From Cathy [8]:
[[The NetworkService.name attribute is supposed to be a "human-readable title
for the service". Currently, for UPnP, it's defined to be the serviceId,
which doesn't fit the intended purpose at all. I would suggest using the
device's friendlyName in this attribute if it's intended to be a user-facing
JCD is concerned about fingerprinting [9]. Cathy thinks as long as the
information is provided after user consent, it should be ok [10].

4. Allow device type search (and more generally, other UPnP search strings)?
>From Naoyuki Sato [11], [13] and Cathy [14]:
It is typically more common for UPnP controller applications to search for
device types than service types, as controllers tend to expose a device list
for the user to select from.

5. Allow cross-domain access to additional UPnP device resources in addition
to control URL? From Naoyuki Sato [11], [13]:
The access white-list should be expanded to include additional UPnP resources
such as device description page, service description page, which allows the
web app to examine the actions and other details supported by a service, and
device icons, which allow the web app to show the device icon to improve user

C. Questions and clarifications
1. Questions about multi-type query. From Youenn [7]:
[[What is the benefit of having one single query with a set of types?
Wouldn't it be simpler for application developers to make several requests for
different types?
Like requesting access to a local media storage service and then, if needed,
requesting access to a print service.
Wouldn't it be simpler as well for users to grant access for one service type
at a time?

Also, one NetworkServices for each service type may be more convenient.
For instance, onserviceavailable handlers would directly be linked to a single
service type.]]

2. Questions about available services. From Youenn [7]:
[[What is the goal behind servicesAvailable?
What functionality does it bring to web applications?
Wouldn't the current NetworkServices events and authorized services length be
sufficient in most cases?
Or just as a boolean value stating that there are some changes in the services
of interest?
It seems that serviceAvailable is counting services of potentially different
types, which may not be all that useful.]]

3. Questions about service monitoring. From Youenn [7]:
[[Service monitoring
Monitoring of services availability looks like a useful feature.
Probably a user has three options that should be clearly stated:
-	A user is granting permission to 1+ service(s) and grants permission to
monitor services
-	A user is granting permission to monitor services
-	A user is denying permission to any service and to monitoring
As per step 9 in section  4.1, it is not explicit whether the second option is
Two choices are currently described: granting permission to 1+ services or
denying permission (probably to all services?).

Also, what about a user that wants to grant access to one specific service
while denying access to monitoring information?
Maybe this behavior does not make any sense in practice?
But the spec could probably be updated to enable that behavior at a small
Something like not mandating to add the generated NetworkServices in the list
of active service managers.
Or making the serviceavailable/serviceunavailable events sending optional?]]

4. Relationship with Web Intent based discovery. From Youenn [7]:
[[Service monitoring is a potentially nice feature in the network discovery
API specification.
This monitoring does not seem to be available with the "Web Intents Addendum -
Local Services" approach.
For instance, dynamically adding a print button, or changing its color, when a
local printer is showing up may be convenient in terms of user experience.
This seems to be feasible with this API, while this may not be the case with
the web intents approach.
Is that ok as is?
Is monitoring out of scope (or a potential requirement) for the "Web Intents
Addendum - Local Services" approach?
Should service monitoring be a separate feature that can be used by both

More generally, the question of the relationship between the two approaches
will probably show up in the future (what is the difference, what is the
scope, which approach should I use...).
It may be good to have some answers publicly available (if it is not already
the case?).]]

5. Questions on whitelist removal. From Youenn [8]:
[[To disable access to a particular service, a user can decide to remove
access to all services (reloading the app or recalling the function using the
web app UI).
Some browser implementations may want to propose authorization removal
globally or on a per service basis.
Is it the purpose of the "ongoing local-network communication" indicator?
In that case, if a user disables access to a particular service, how would the
application be notified of such change?
Is it expected that the application will be notified from error messages
coming from the protocol level?
What happens if there is an ongoing XHR exchange?]]

6. No access to previous services. From Youenn [7]:
[[The four bullets at the end of section 4.1 describe when access to any of
the whitelist URL is authorized or not.
After reading the different points, everything is not crystal clear to me.
Here are some questions that came to my mind:

What is the exact meaning of the first bullet (same script related in same or
different window)?
What potential security issue is it addressing?
Does it mean that if the same script is loaded in two different windows,
the authorizations for the script in the first window are cancelled (whitelist
becomes empty) when the script in the second window is loaded?
If that is the case, similarly to the previous point 5 on whitelist removal,
while it is easy for application developers to understand that authorizations
are removed when getNetworkServices is called again,
it may be less obvious for developers to handle bullet 1.

As of the second bullet, does it mean that all granted URLs are removed from
the whitelist when getNetworkServices is called again?
If so, would it make sense to exactly precise when the previous whitelist is
Section 4.1 defines the different steps of the getNetworkServices call and one
could envision doing this at step 1, 12 or 18 for instance.
If a web application has access to a content provider and also wants to access
a particular printer, the app will call again getNetworkServices.
It would be nice if the access to the content provider is not cut during the
10 seconds the user takes to answer to the getNetworkServices call.

The third bullet (going through the history) probably leads to empty the
current whitelist.
On the other hand, the fourth bullet (a script running in a different origin)
does not probably lead to empty the current whitelist.
This fourth bullet may different in nature to the other items and, if that is
the case, may be separated from the list.]]

7. Active service managers. From Youenn [7]:
[[The list of active service managers contains the NetworkServices objects
being shared with all web pages.
Each NetworkServices object in that list will issue serviceavailable events
whenever needed.
NetworkServices objects not in this list will not generate those events.

What happens to a NetworkServices object delivered by a getNetworkServices
call that is made obsolete by a new getNetworkServices call?
Is it still in that list of active service managers?
When reading section 9, it seems to be the case.
But what is the point in processing online/offline events for services that
the application can no longer get access to?
Would it make sense to apply section 4.1 rules on NetworkServices object
removal from the list of active service managers?
Also, if a user is revoking access authorizations, he may also want to revoke
the implicit monitoring authorization.]]

[0] http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-discovery-api-20121004/ - Latest WD
[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Sep/0132.html
- from Greg
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Sep/0138.html
- Rich's response to [1]
[3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Sep/0141.html
- Greg's follow-up on [2]
[4] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Oct/0005.html
- from Cathy
[5] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Oct/0012.html
- Rich's response to [4]
[6] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Oct/0020.html
- Cathy's follow-up on [5]
[7] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Oct/0034.html
- from Youenn
[8] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Nov/0092.html
- Cathy's follow-up on previous comments by JCD
[9] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Nov/0095.html
- JCD's follow-up on [8]
- Cathy's follow-up on [9]
- from Naoyuki Sato
- JCD's follow-up on [11]
- Naoyuki Sato's follow-up on [12]
- Cathy's follow-up on [13]

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 23:19:23 UTC