Re: Stepping down


I have mixed feelings as well.  Your steady-handed guidance will surely be
missed, but I trust your new endeavor will be very rewarding for you.

In my limited experience with DAP, you've proved to be an excellent leader,
a mover-and-shaker.  I hope you still plan to attend a F2F every now and
then; after hours just wouldn't be the same without you :-)

I wish you the best of luck with the path you are traveling down.


On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 2:10 AM, Robin Berjon <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> it is with mixed feelings that I have to tell you that I am stepping down
> as co-chair of the Device APIs WG, effective at the end of this week, and
> leaving you in Frederick's extremely capable hands.
> Looking back over the past few years I want to thank each and every one of
> you for the fun times that we've had together. This group went through some
> frustrating moments during its short history, but I believe that the
> debates we had through those months have contributed to create a better
> understanding of how to handle Web technology that accesses potentially
> dangerous functionality. This improved understanding can be seen at work in
> DAP's renewed productivity over the past few months. Put together with the
> upcoming SysApps WG, I believe that we are collectively well on our way to
> realising DAP's original vision. I am happy that I could play a small part
> in this adventure, and I really look forward to this project increasingly
> coming to fruition, watching it from not very far away.
> For my part I am moving on to new soon-to-be-announced professional
> endeavours, very much still within Web standards. I will be attending TPAC
> (but not DAP's meeting there) and can already taste the friendly beers
> we'll enjoy together there. I will continue to maintain ReSpec, and I will
> remain available for any questions that any of you may have.
> I will truly miss working with you all, but have no doubt that our paths
> will cross again (and if you drop by Paris, you know how to reach me!).
> Take very good care and keep them device APIs coming!
> --
> Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2012 15:44:59 UTC