Hello Doug,
I finally ran the tests on my Nexus with FF Beta and for:
Light: 42 pass and 3 Fail. 3 Fail are with value of undefined resolves to NaN, expected type error. I haven't dig into these errors yet.
Proximity: 81 pass and 2 Not Run. 2 Not Run are with User Proximity.
From: Doug Turner [mailto:doug.turner@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 2:32 PM
To: nv.balaji@samsung.com
Cc: Robin Berjon; public-device-apis@w3.org public-device-apis@w3.org
Subject: Re: Review Comments: Light Events
Thanks for the feedback!
On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 10:32 PM, BALAJI NERELLA VENKATARAMANA <nv.balaji@samsung.com<mailto:nv.balaji@samsung.com>> wrote:
Please find my comments:
1. I would suggest to change the title to "Ambient Light Events"
Happy to change the title of the spec. The event names will remain the same.
2. Section 5.2:
- Computing "lighting condition" (such as warm day, pitch dark etc...) from light value is non-trivial. Ligting condition corresponds to logarithm of Luminance. Therefore, it is better "lighting condition" parameter is added to the Light event.
- If it is not acceptable (as this information is redundant), as an alternate, a note could be appended at the end explaining how the lighting condition could be arrived from the light value
What language would you use as a note to describe how the lighting condition can be derived?
3. Section 5.2.1
- the unit of the value should be specified
4. Section 5.2.2
- For all practical purposes, I beleive, the developer would be interested in events only when the lighting condition changes. Therefore, light event should be fired only when "lighting condition" changes. I have not tested the latest Firefox implementation on mobile. Could someone please let me know how often does it fire the event?
We fire when there is a change. The UA determines when there is a significant change.