RE: [vibration] Preliminary thoughts on the vibrator spec

Please refer to my following posts (for which I didn't get any response)

The use case is simple: As a developer I want to know whether the Vibrator is ON or OFF (at native layer), before trying to vibrate my app. And, Since I'm using DAP VibrationAPI I expect that same API to provide me with this functionality.


Deepanshu Gautam
Service Standards, Huawei Software
T: +86 25 5260008 M: +86 135 85147627

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anssi Kostiainen []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 3:57 PM
> To: Deepanshu gautam
> Cc: Robin Berjon;
> Subject: Re: [vibration] Preliminary thoughts on the vibrator spec
> On 23.11.2011, at 3.48, ext Deepanshu gautam wrote:
> > I'm wondering if I should consider this silence as agreement for my
> proposal in the thread below :-)
> >
> > My proposal: To have function like VibStatus() returning "VibON" and
> "VibOFF". To let pages know whether the vibrator in ON or OFF
> To me it seems we haven't reached consensus on this.
> See my initial proposal:
> apis/2011Nov/0152.html
> And Robin's reply:
> apis/2011Nov/0158.html
> We haven't unearthed any use cases yet that would require explicit
> control over the on/off toggle by a web app. Please let us know if you
> have any.
> -Anssi

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2011 08:09:33 UTC