Re: Vibrator API: extract from Navigator


On 8.11.2011, at 10.37, ext Dave Raggett wrote:

> On 07/11/11 21:44, Justin Lebar wrote:
>>> Having a Vibrator interface, which then Gamepad and Navigator implement,
>>> hence being reusable.
>>> So we then get navigator.vibrate() and gamepad.vibrate(). Same API, same
>>> behavior.
> Isn't this just a matter of replacing "Navigator" below with a more appropriate name, e.g. "Vibrator" and then specifying that the navigator object implements the Vibrator interface, e.g. as navigator.vibrate(1000);
> partial interfaceNavigator  {
>    void  vibrate  <>  (optionallong  time);
>    void  vibrate  <>  (optionallong[]  pattern);
> };

Yes. Here's the new IDL which should address Joćo's reusability concerns:

Navigator implements Vibration;

partial interface Vibration {
    void vibrate (optional long time);
    void vibrate (optional long[] pattern);

I updated the Editor's Draft accordingly. Let me know if there are any concerns with this change.


Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2011 11:23:42 UTC