CfC: The Messaging API FPWD

Hi all,

Robin is away, but agreed that upon implementation of the changes
discussed during the F2F last week, we should start a call for consensus
on the Message API.

This is thus a call for consensus to see if there are any objections to
publishing the Messaging API as a FPWD.

The draft can be read at:

Note that there is no requirement on FPWDs to be perfect — if they were
perfect we'd go straight to LC. They need to be good for broader review,
and reasonably feature-complete.

Where CfCs are concerned, silence is considered to be assent, but
positive support is preferred (even if simply with a +1). Please send
feedback before next Tuesday (Jul 27) as much as possible.



Received on Tuesday, 20 July 2010 13:47:14 UTC