Re: Devices as Virtual Web Services

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 13:22:14 +0100, Frederick Hirsch  
<> wrote:
> I was repeating what I heard in Claes's message.
> Running a local web server to have local access seems overkill, leading  
> to the thought that both  might be necessary. I haven't seen a concrete  
> proposal apart from what Robin put together.

A local Web server is overkill. A browser could just have special  
semantics for certain types of requests initiated through XMLHttpRequest.  
And since these REST-based APIs need a special URI to be instantiated  
(e.g. data-service:contacts/...) that should be easy to do.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 10 February 2010 12:27:30 UTC