Re: Geolocation WG taking up work on Orientation/Acceleration

Dear all,
   MPEG-21 DIA Usage Environment Description defines Mobility  
Characteristics for a User. The excerpt from the schema you can find  
below and the full schema is available at [1]. As this is somewhat  
related it might be helpful for (some of) you. If you need information  
on the semantics, please let me know.

Thank you.
Best regards,


Schema excerpt for Mobility Characteristics:
   <!-- ################################################	-->
   <!--  Definition of MobilityCharacteristics				-->
   <!-- ################################################	-->
   <complexType name="MobilityCharacteristicsType">
       <extension base="dia:UserCharacteristicBaseType">
           <element name="UpdateInterval"  
type="dia:UpdateIntervalType" minOccurs="0"/>
           <element name="Directivity" type="dia:DirectivityType"  
           <element name="Erraticity" type="dia:ErraticityType"  
   <complexType name="UpdateIntervalType">
       <extension base="dia:DIABaseType">
           <element name="LastUpdatePoint"  
type="mpeg7:GeographicPointType" minOccurs="0"/>
           <element name="LastUpdateBinIndex" type="integer"  
           <element name="LastUpdateTime" type="mpeg7:TimeType"  
           <element name="Lmax" type="integer" minOccurs="0"/>
           <element name="Values" minOccurs="0">
               <restriction base="mpeg7:probabilityVector">
                 <length value="32"/>
         <attribute name="xRadius" type="integer" use="optional"/>
         <attribute name="yRadius" type="integer" use="optional"/>
   <complexType name="DirectivityType">
       <extension base="dia:DIABaseType">
           <element name="Mean" type="float" minOccurs="0"/>
           <element name="Variance" type="float" minOccurs="0"/>
           <element name="Values" minOccurs="0">
               <restriction base="mpeg7:probabilityVector">
                 <length value="16"/>
         <attribute name="measuredInterval" type="integer"  
   <complexType name="ErraticityType">
       <extension base="dia:DIABaseType">
           <element name="Values" minOccurs="0">
               <restriction base="mpeg7:probabilityVector">
                 <length value="128"/>
On Nov 9, 2009, at 3:12 PM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:

> Hi,
> The Geolocation WG is taking up work on defining an API for getting
> orientation and acceleration data from devices:
> This suggests our Working Group doesn’t need to tackle it, although we
> will likely want to coordinate with them on these work items.
> Note also their ongoing work on defining an interface for civic
> addresses:
> Dom

Received on Monday, 9 November 2009 14:29:40 UTC