Re: Geolocation WG taking up work on Orientation/Acceleration

Hi Christian,

On Nov 9, 2009, at 15:29 , Christian Timmerer (ITEC) wrote:
>  MPEG-21 DIA Usage Environment Description defines Mobility  
> Characteristics for a User. The excerpt from the schema you can find  
> below and the full schema is available at [1]. As this is somewhat  
> related it might be helpful for (some of) you. If you need  
> information on the semantics, please let me know.

I guess that this is more a topic for our Geolocation friends since  
they're taking over this work item, but in general since I am  
reasonably confident that very few people here will want to read an  
XML Schema (let alone chase up dependencies in the MPEG-7 schema :)  
can you summarise:

   - what this sub-segment of MPEG-21 does
   - what is particularly good about it that leads you to suggest that  
we reuse it (or at least take a look)
   - if there is a WebIDL expression of the same

Concerning the last bit, it's largely because that's what we're  
dealing with, and it's simpler (and one doesn't have to walk all the  
XSD inheritance tree to figure out what's on it).


Robin Berjon
   robineko — hired gun, higher standards

Received on Monday, 9 November 2009 16:33:00 UTC