Re: Editing specifications with ReSpec.js

On Aug 6, 2009, at 17:27 , Anselm R Garbe wrote:
> Ok understood. [Though bare in mind that markdown is not specifically
> a wiki language, it's simply ascii with some semantics for HTML
> conversion

Yes, I'm familiar with it. I'd dislike it less if I weren't ;-)

> , and as a counter example IETF specs are written in plain
> text for a good reason: you don't need to update them when your
> presentation format (HTML) changes over time, they can be fixed for
> decades. The same applies in theory to markdown documents.]

I've heard that argument before but I have never understood where it  
comes from. HTML is not a presentational format, it's semantic. I  
don't think that markdown (or text) have semantics that can match  
<dfn> or a <a> without href, they can't handle @dir, or <cite>, or  
<abbr>, <var>, <code>, <kbd>... The presentation is entirely handled  
by CSS, and it doesn't matter if it changes because the semantics stay  
the same (and the presentation stays coherent).

What's more HTML does not change over time. Features are added, but  
what worked fifteen years ago works just the same today.

Robin Berjon
   robineko — setting new standards

Received on Thursday, 6 August 2009 15:47:03 UTC