Re: [geolocation-sensor] Mark as Discontinued Draft and continue in Geolocation API (#60)

@jzijp, I kindly remind you of the W3C's Code of Conduct. Making insinuations or attributing malice to me or my employer is out of line. 

>The current Geolocation API was never designed for background functionalities, and integrating these capabilities appears challenging. 

I would like to understand the specific challenges and for whom they are challenging. As the Editor of the Geolocation specification, I haven't had the opportunity to try specifying it yet, and the specification was only brought to the WebApp Working Group within the past year.

Additionally, the Geolocation Sensor specification doesn't address issues related to fencing or background processes. Simply adding `[Exposed=(DedicatedWorker)]` to an interface is not sufficient. While fencing and background are mentioned in the use cases, the specification does not thoroughly address these issues. Have you had a chance to read through the spec in detail?

> I encourage you to propose a form of integration and a mechanism for supporting background functionalities within the existing API, rather than simply rejecting the new specification.

I'm proposing that we collaborate on addressing this use case within the existing Geolocation API.

> Additionally, citing competitors without providing a full perspective seems petty and does not reflect the collaborative spirit needed to advance web standards. A more open and balanced discussion would be beneficial for all stakeholders.

Respectfully, I believe there's a misunderstanding. The DAS Working Group was limiting the participation of relevant stakeholders, which led to the W3C's decision to move the Geolocation API to be a joint deliverable with the WebApps WG. The WebApps WG includes a larger set of stakeholders, allowing for a more collaborative approach to solving these challenges.

Now that we have all implementers involved, we can work together to develop solutions. This approach avoids unilateral decisions by DAS, which other implementers have previously [opposed]( or found to be ["harmful"]( Notably, DAS has overlooked feedback from Wide Review.

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