Re: [geolocation-sensor] Mark as Discontinued Draft and continue in Geolocation API (#60)

As a chair of the Devices and Sensors Working Group responsible for the Geolocation Sensor deliverable, I consider that @jzijp is engaging in this discussion in good faith. Thank you for sharing your perspective here. Also thank you for your use case contributions that have been already recognized by the group.

While here, I feel obligated to refute the claims made by @marcoscaceres.

First, the Devices and Sensors Working Group is not limiting participation. The group is open for everyone to join, including for all browser vendors, any other stakeholders, no matter big and small. To join, follow the instructions at:

(Use case contributions can be provided without joining to make it possible to capture the broadest feedback, including from end users. The group is grateful for contributions on that front from the broader web ecosystem.)

Second, the Devices and Sensors Working Group approaches [wide review]( professionally and has received recognition from horizontal groups for its exemplary work over the years across its deliverables. Furthermore, the group is participated by industry-recognized privacy experts who actively review the group's deliverables, identify issues and co-design mitigations. One recent example: 

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