Re: [geolocation-sensor] Mark as Discontinued Draft and continue in Geolocation API (#60)

Dear Marcos,

Thank you for your feedback regarding the Geolocation Sensor API. While the idea of unifying APIs to avoid duplication and simplify the work for developers and browsers is commendable, it is hard not to question the real motivations behind this request.

It is concerning that this opposition to the new API could be seen as a commercial strategy to hinder the development of web applications in favor of native apps, especially coming from Apple, known for its restrictive policies towards web apps. Ignoring advanced capabilities like geo-background-fencing and geo-background-tracking and simplifying it to "no additional functionality" seems misleading.

The current Geolocation API was never designed for background functionalities, and integrating these capabilities appears challenging. If your true intention is to improve the situation, I encourage you to propose a form of integration and a mechanism for supporting background functionalities within the existing API, rather than simply rejecting the new specification.

Additionally, citing competitors without providing a full perspective seems petty and does not reflect the collaborative spirit needed to advance web standards. A more open and balanced discussion would be beneficial for all stakeholders.

Best regards,

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