Re: [geolocation-sensor] Support geolocation (especially geofencing) in the "background" (#22)

I'm a software engineer who's also pursuing a pilot's license. The process of taking off and landing a plane involves numerous actions in a short timeframe, especially during touch-and-go maneuvers, which are quite common during training. One of these actions is **recording the takeoff and landing** times to maintain a flight log according to regulatory requirements.

I intended to develop a **PWA** to simplify this task. However, due to the absence of background geolocation, I'm left with just two options: using a wake lock or creating a native app. Both choices have drawbacks. Developing a native app requires more effort, especially for cross-platform support. Meanwhile, using a wake lock keeps the screen constantly on, draining the battery, which isn't good.

Distributing a PWA among flight instructors could be beneficial, allowing them to use the app with other students. 

While investigating the reasons for the lack of background geolocation, I encountered this issue. It would be great to have this feature and allow browser users to decide for themselves whether to enable **background geolocation** or not (perhaps even with some ominous warnings about potential device tracking). In my opinion, any concerns about potential misuse are merely attempts to hinder the advancement of PWA technology, nothing more.

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