Re: [geolocation-sensor] Support geolocation (especially geofencing) in the "background" (#22)

I have two current non-evil use-cases:

1. An event-driven road-based sales person who needs to report on which of a set of possible locations they visited at the end of each week. The current approach is error prone, as sales-folk can't in practice maintain accurate logs on the road. Just need to pull their location trace and correlate against financial sales data. The data would not be shared with anyone other than them, although they would use it to generate their own sales reports for customers. Easy and a dramatic benefit, if it would only run in the background.

1. Tracking workers who visit residential locations. Current system is paper based, in the process of converting to tablets for logging. Background location would allow us to "nudge" the user should they forget to log a visit, and would allow (with user's express approval) automatic logging of visits, removing the need for the user to remember to log their activity completely in most cases. The workers are generally obliged to be able to demonstrate (not to us) which locations they were in and when. Could also of course be done with a web app plus a couple of associated/ integrated Google/ Apple apps with the precise same privacy issues.

We too are a small company. The limitation which created this thread helps the big companies and makes it harder for us.

The idea that Apple and Google, both of whom are regularly in court for both privacy and market manipulation reasons, should have any say over who can and who can't have users who want to track their own locations... is laughably absurd.

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